GSMArena reports that the phone will come with with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 chipset and a quad-core 2.65GHz Krait 450 CPU. With such an incredible screen and a very impressive camera to boot, it comes as no surprise that the phone will have a very powerful processor. According to 9to5Google, the rear-facing camera “will come in at a whopping 21 MP with dual-LED flash The device also, of course, features Motorola’s software enhancements, including Moto Actions, Connect, and Display.” It is confirmed that the phone will have front-facing and rear cameras. This gives it an incredibly rich pixel density of about 565 ppi, which is significantly larger than the 401 ppi on the iPhone 6 Plus. By comparison, that’s four times the HD of standard 720p. Quad High Definition is specified as 2560 by 1440 pixels with an aspect ratio of 16 by 9, according to TechTarget.
With a very impressive camera and a display to match, this phone is shaping up to be one of the strongest on the market, according to 9to5Google.Īccording to the leak, the Motorola Droid Turbo will come with a powerful 5.2-inch Quad High Definition (QHD) display. A manual detailing almost the entire build of the upcoming Motorola Droid Turbo has leaked, and the information is turning a lot of heads.